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Boarding Essentials

Start With a Checkup


We all know that Dogs and Cats are great at hiding illness. The last thing anyone wants is for their pet to have a medical problem while they are traveling. Veterinarians are trained at identifying hidden problems that you may not have noticed at home. Schedule for your pet to have a complete head to tail physical and to review their vaccines to update any needed vaccines about 2 to 3 weeks before your planned trip. Your veterinarian can also advise you about medications or supplements to use with your pet while they are boarding to reduce stress and anxiety.

Choose the Right Boarding Facility


Choosing a suitable boarding facility is crucial. It helps ensure your dog's safety and comfort throughout its stay. Look for a facility that is climate controlled. Ask them how long they leave the dogs outside? Are they supervised? Are they in direct contact with other pets? What time of day are they brought outside ? Is there shade or will they have to walk across hot surfaces? Dogs at high risk for heat stroke ( brachycephalic breeds, black dogs, old dogs, dogs with chronic illnesses such as heart problems , diabetes, and Cushing’s disease ) should NOT be left outside for more than 10 minutes if the outdoor temperature is over 80F.

Pack Appropriately


When packing for your dog's stay, include all the essentials. These include their regular food and any medications they may need.

Introduce Your Dog to the Boarding Facility


Taking your dog to the boarding facility before dropping them off is essential. It helps them familiarize themselves with the facility, making them feel more comfortable during their stay. Many boarding facilities offer a trial period or "meet and greet" session where you can bring your dog in to explore the area and get to know the staff.

Communicate Your Dog's Needs


Communicating your dog's needs and preferences to the boarding facility staff is essential. These include dietary restrictions, medical conditions, or behavioral issues. Be honest and upfront with the staff members about any concerns you have. It helps them provide the best possible care for your pet. Give a list of emergency contacts, including your veterinarian's information.

We offer boarding year round in our climate controlled facility at Alvin Animal Clinic in Alvin, Texas. Call (218) 585-5183 to book an appointment today.

admin none 7:30 am - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 5:30 pm 7:00 am - 5:30 pm 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Closed